How to update your play about American democracy for 2024
[The Washington Post, 06 August 2024]
Is the world finally catching up to David Henry Hwang?

Lloyd Suh’s Plays About the Past Speak Directly to Our Present
[The New York Times, 21 December 2022]
Asian American theater finds its timelessness

Lil Nas X showed the difference between tolerating and embracing queer people
[The Washington Post, 30 March 2021]
If you don’t embrace someone’s actual self-expression, you are not tolerant

Got a Box? Make a Museum
[The New York Times, 09 January 2021]
“It’s kind of like school, except fun.”

Meet a Changemaker behind the Gucci Changemakers Initiative
[Vogue, 24 September 2020]
Inside Gucci’s anti-racist renaissance

In American Theater, a Radical Accounting of Race and Privilege
[Bloomberg, 19 June 2020]
Black Lives Matter and the Great White Way

Nimesh Patel Wants to Be on the Wrong Side of the Joke
[Vulture, 22 August 2019]
A Q&A 10 years in the making

The only voice in Alfonso Cuarón’s ‘Roma’ is Alfonso Cuarón’s
[The Washington Post, 21 December 2018]
Women deserve more than poetry and elegance

I read decades of Woody Allen’s private notes. He’s obsessed with teenage girls.
[The Washington Post, 04 January 2018]
Analyzing a 56-box archive of lechery

A Driver’s License Can Be Revoked for the Elderly, but an Artistic License? Never.
[99U, 27 January 2017]
“There is an immortality to being creative.”

How the 'Hamilton' Cast Got Broadway’s Best Deal
[Bloomberg, 28 September 2016]
The revolution’s bottom-line revelation

Why 'Hamilton' Star Lin-Manuel Miranda Is Better Than Perfect
[Rolling Stone, 03 May 2016]
On unqualified success

The Boombox Musical
[The Awl, 10 July 2015]
History is happening in Manhattan

Portraits Capture Unexpected Reactions to ISIS Beheadings
[National Geographic, 16 March 2015]
“The most important thing was to respect them as human beings.”

A Thousand Cuts
[The New Yorker, 12 December 2014]
Hannah Kohl is New York's fanciest paper-pusher

New Brooklyn Theater Casts Audience in Crucial Role
[The New York Times, 04 July 2014]
“We’d like to see a more democratic American theater.”

The Circus That Doesn't Leave Town
[The New York Times, 11 June 2014]
Step right up!

Man Exposes P-Ness Tonight
[Gothamist, 15 January 2014]
When you really need to P

Poetry Gets Some Poetic Justice
[The Wall Street Journal, 28 August 2013]
A limerick lede

In Brooklyn, Mozart for the Moby Crowd
[The Wall Street Journal, 03 June 2013]
It ain’t over ‘til the skinny jeans sing

The Show Must Go On (Even After a Standing Ovation)
[The Wall Street Journal, 12 April 2013]
What happens when a showstopper actually stops the show?

'Bombshell' Doesn't Exist, but Its Songs are Real Hits
[The New York Times, 04 February 2013]
A surprise Smash hit

Black Ops: ‘Post-Racial’ Comedy in the Age of Obama
[Vulture, 26 September 2012]
A roundtable with 14 Black comedians

Due West: A Roundtable Discussion on New York's Ongoing Comedy Exodus
[Splitsider, 11 October 2011]
The land of fruits and nuts

Justin Timberlake Turns 30
[The Memphis Commercial Appeal, 30 January 2011]
Who does Justin Timberlake think he is?